Most UX and UI designers already understand the nuts and bolts of typography. They can tell you the difference between ‘font’ and ‘typeface’, between ‘mean line’ and ‘baseline’. They might fret over the tracking of a particular font, or cringe at subtle kerning miscues that an untrained eye would gloss over. However, fewer designers grasp […]
Barring a freshly cleaned whiteboard or the latest version of Sketch, one of the most invaluable tools in a user experience designer's toolbox is the grid layout. Ancient as design itself, grid theory is both the first line item on the Design 101 syllabus and the first diagram a seasoned UX vet sketches out. Its utility is evidenced not just by its ubiquity, but its...
These form when moisture from a drippy glass or a hot dish gets trapped in the finish. To remove a long-standing stain, place a towel on top and press with a warm, dry iron for five seconds.
Candle wax and crayon respond well to ice. Fill a plastic bag with ice cubes, wrap it in a towel, place it on the stain until it hardens; carefully coax wax off with a plastic spatula.
We tested and found effective. Dab a scratch with the lightest marker in the kit, then use a darker one if needed. Wipe off the excess a soft cloth before it dries, and finish with a polish.
These form when moisture from a drippy glass or a hot dish gets trapped in the finish. To remove a long-standing stain, place a towel on top and press with a warm, dry iron for five seconds.
Candle wax and crayon respond well to ice. Fill a plastic bag with ice cubes, wrap it in a towel, place it on the stain until it hardens; carefully coax wax off with a plastic spatula.
We tested and found effective. Dab a scratch with the lightest marker in the kit, then use a darker one if needed. Wipe off the excess a soft cloth before it dries, and finish with a polish.